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Frequently Ask Questions

 What kind of company JL First Group is?
We are a company which offering commercial interest rate on Credit Card debts for consumer.

 What will JL First Group earn?
Commission from the Installment Plan made.

 Why consumers choose JL First?
Refer benefits of doing Installment.

 Why need to prepaid interest?
Interest need to pay upfront is because of there are no more interest charges on installment months.


Frequently Ask Questions

 What kind of company JL First Group is?
We are a company which offering commercial interest rate on Credit Card debts for consumer.

 What will JL First Group earn?
Commission from the Installment Plan made.

 Why consumers choose JL First?
Refer benefits of doing Installment.

 Why need to prepaid interest?
Interest need to pay upfront is because of there are no more interest charges on installment months.